Aramm Legal are experienced in handling all kinds of public and private legal disputes. Whether through negotiations or the court, rest assured you will receive expert legal assistance and representation for the best possible outcome. At Aramm Legal Solicitors, we have an experienced Litigation department that provides the highest quality service to our Clients.

Whether through negotiations or the court, rest assured you will receive expert legal assistance and representation for the best possible outcome. We work closely with our clients and depending on their individual needs, we then develop a strategy to suit each individual.

We are expert at helping you navigate the myriad of rules of procedure and practice in place when you want to apply for you or for a loved one to enter or to stay in the UK. We have years of experience in

Need To Know

“We always take care of clients with utmost attention and care”

Litigation refers to a process where a party may bring upon a claim under court proceedings. It is a legal way of resolving disputes between parties and/or members of society. It involves solving disputes involving public bodies and/or private individuals where one party usually seeks compensation, damages, or specific performance from the other party.

Alternative dispute resolution is a group of methods for resolving disputes other than court proceedings. Alternative dispute resolution is consisted of mediation, conciliation, and arbitration. Mediation involves a third party, a mediator, who helps both parties of the civil case, come to a resolution or to an agreement. Mediation is voluntary and only takes place upon both parties’ consent. Conciliation on the other hand is also voluntary, but it differs from mediation in a way that the conciliator may be asked by the parties to provide a settlement proposal that is non-binding in nature for the parties to consider. Finally, to pursue an arbitration, parties to a contract usually include an arbitration clause in their contract and/or agreement and pursue it further via arbitration. Just like mediation and conciliation, it is voluntary and requires the consent of both parties to the civil dispute. What varies is that once arbitration proceedings are initiated, a party is not entitled to withdraw from the proceedings unilaterally and that the decision made is final and enforceable.

Solicitors are bound by the Solicitors Code of Conduct and confidentiality which ensures that no disclosures about your specific case can be made to anyone outside the team of lawyers working on your case without your own and specific permission. However, it must be noted that the court has the power to order your solicitor to disclose certain information relevant to your case to the other party for the sake of conducting a fair trial and civil procedure. This means that certain documentation belonging to your case may be disclosed to the opposing party. This specific documentation is documentation that you decide to rely upon and documentation that will affect your case and its outcome at court drastically.

In Litigation cases, you may have to go to court; however, cases always vary by their own circumstances. You are entitled to agree to a settlement with the other party once the legal proceedings have been started. The only time you would have to attend court hearings is when a settlement or an agreement cannot be reached between the parties.


“We always take care our clients with utmost attention and care”

Contact Information

Imperial office # 2A, Heigham Road
London E6 2JG

+44 (0) 20 7183 6904

Mon-Fri : 10.00am-18.00pm
Sat-Sun : Close

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Our firm is therefore constantly developing and is prepared at all times to step up and meet any legal challenge.